1. 中国科学院战略生物资源能力建设项目,KFJ-BRP-017-44,睡莲属植物野生资源调查、迁地保育和利用,2020.1-2021.12,40万元,在研,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31471910,睡莲类黄酮糖基转移酶基因克隆及功能验证,2015.1-2018.12,94万元,已结题,参加。
3. 北京市科技计划课题,Z161100000916015,林下油用牡丹新品种选育与种苗快繁技术的研究示范,2016.1-2018.12,150万元,已结题,参加。
4. 中国科学院战略生物资源服务网络计划,ZSZC-003,荷叶茶产业链关键技术研发,2016.11-2017.12,66万,已结题,参加。
5. 现代农业科技奖励性后补助资金项目,15926909H,双高(高类黄酮、高生物碱)荷叶茶用原料优良品种筛选技术研究,2015.1-2015.12,80万,已结题,参加。
1. 2018年获植物研究所“研究生学术论坛”三等奖;
2. 2017-2018学年获中国科学院“地奥奖学金”二等奖;
3. 2017年第31届全国荷花展览暨荷花及水生植物学术研讨会上获最佳报告奖;
4. 2016年第30届(扬州)全国荷花展览暨学术研讨会获优秀论文奖;
5. 2015-2016学年获中国科学院大学“三好学生”。
1.Wu Q, Yuan RY, Feng CY, Li SS*, Wang LS*. Analysis of polyphenols composition and antioxidant activity assessment of Chinese dwarf cherry (Cerasus humilis (Bge.) Sok.). Natural Product Communications, 2019, 14:1-10.
2.Wu Q, Li PC, Zhang HJ, Feng CY, Li SS*, Yin DD, Tian J, Xu WZ, Wang LS*. Relationship between the flavonoid composition and flower color variation in Victoria. Plant Biology, 2018, 20: 674-681.
3.Wu Q, Wu J, Li SS, Zhang HJ, Feng CY, Yin DD, Wu RY, Wang LS*. Transcriptome sequencing and metabolite analysis for revealing the blue flower formation in waterlily. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17: 897.
4.Feng CY#, Li SS#, Goro T, Wu Q, Yin DD, Gu ZY, Wu J, Xu WZ, Liu C*, Wang LS*. Enzymatic basis for stepwise C-glycosylation in the formation of flavonoid di-C-glycosides in sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.). The Plant Journal, 2021, 106: 351-365.
5.Yang Y, Li B, Feng CY, Wu Q, Wang QY, Li SS, Yu XN*, Wang LS*. Chemical mechanism of flower color microvariation in Paeonia with yellow flowers. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2020, 6(3): 179-190.
6.Zhang LS*, Chen F, Zhang XT, Li Z, Zhao YY, Lohaus R, Chang XJ, Dong W, Ho SYW, Liu X, Song AX, Chen JH, Guo W L, Wang ZJ, Zhuang YY, Wang HF, Chen XQ, Hu J, Liu YH, Qin Y, Wang K, Dong SS, Liu Y, Zhang SZ, Yu XX, Wu Q, Wang LS, Yan XQ, Jiao YN, Kong HZ, Zhou XF, Yu CW, Chen YC, Li F, Wang JH, Chen W, Chen XL, Jia QD, Zhang C, Jiang YF, Zhang WB, Liu GH, Fu JY, Chen F, Ma H, Van de Peer Y, Tang HB. The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants. Nature, 2020, 577: 78-84.
7.Gu ZY, Feng CY, Li SS*, Yin DD, Wu Q, Zhang L, Wang LS*. Identification of flavonoids and chlorogenic acids in elm fruits from the genus Ulmus and their antioxidant activity. Separation Science, 2019, 42: 2888-2899.
8.Feng CY, Wu Q, Yin DD, Li B, Li SS*, Tang ZQ, Xu YJ, Wang LS*. Determination of xanthones and flavonoids of methanol extracts obtained from different parts of the plants of three Gentianaceae species. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2018, 161: 455-463.
9.Li SS, Wu Q, Yin DD, Feng CY, Liu ZA*, Wang LS*. Phytochemical variation among the traditional Chinese medicine Mu Dan Pi from Paeonia suffruticosa (tree peony). Phytochemistry, 2018, 146: 16-24.
10.Yin DD, Li SS, Shu QY, Gu ZY, Wu Q, Feng CY, Xu WZ*, Wang LS*. Identification of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in tree peony seeds. Gene, 2018, 666: 72-82.
11.Yin DD, Xu WZ, Shu QY, Li SS*, Wu Q, Feng CY, Gu ZY, Wang LS*. Fatty acid desaturase 3 (PsFAD3) from Paeonia suffruticosa reveals high α-linolenic acid accumulation. Plant Science, 2018, 274: 212-222.
12.Feng CY, Wang WW, Ye JF, Li SS*, Wu Q, Yin DD, Li B, Xu YJ, Wang LS*. Polyphenol profile and antioxidant activity of the fruit and leaf of Vaccinium glaucoalbum from the Tibetan Himalayas. Food chemistry, 2017, 219: 490-495.
13.Feng CY, Li SS*, Yin DD, Zhang HJ, Tian DK, Wu Q, Wang LJ, Su S, Wang LS*. Rapid determination of flavonoids in plumules of sacred lotus cultivars and assessment of their antioxidant activities. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 87: 96-104.
14.Du H#, Li SS#, Wu Q, Ji KX, Wu J, Liu Y, Wang LS*. Analysis of active compounds and antioxidant activity assessment of six popular Chinese Juhua teas. Natural Product Communications, 2014, 10(3): 495-498.
15.Yin DD, Yuan RY, Wu Q, Li SS, Shao S, Xu YJ, Hao XH, Wang LS*. Assessment of flavonoids and volatile compounds in tea infusions of water lily flowers and their antioxidant activities. Food Chemistry, 2015, 187: 20-28.
16.Yuan RY, Li SS, Zheng XC, Wu Q, Zhang HJ, Wang LS*. Determination of volatiles in water lily flowers using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analytical Letters, 2014, 1541-1551.
17.吴倩,张会金,田洁,王晓晗,张玲,王亮生*.睡莲新品种‘粉玛瑙’.园艺学报,2018, 45(S2):2807-2808.
18.王亮生#*, 吴倩#, 邵帅, 李珊珊, 张会金, 冯成庸, 王伟伟, 吴如燕. “双高”荷叶茶用原料优良品种选择. 现代园林,2016,13(6):438-445. (共同第一作者)
19.吴倩,邵帅,李珊珊,张会金,王亮生*. 荷花花粉的类黄酮组成. 植物学报,2015,50(6):721-732.
20.尹丹丹,李珊珊,吴倩,冯成庸,李冰,王倩玉,王亮生*,徐文忠*. 我国6种主要母本油料作物的研究进展. 植物学报,2018,53(01):110-125.
21.李珊珊,吴倩,袁茹玉,邵帅,张会金,王亮生*. 莲属植物类黄酮代谢产物的研究进展. 植物学报,2014,49(6):738-750.
2017年国际登录了5个睡莲品种:N. ‘Fen Ma Nao’、N. ‘Qing Liu Li’、N. ‘Hong Bao Shi’、N. ‘Hong Shan Hu’和N. ‘Shuang Se Xie Zhua’.