研究组长 桑涛 研究员
联系方式: E-mail: sang%40ibcas.ac.cn;电话:010-62836446
中国人口众多、耕地紧张,而且随着城市化和土壤侵蚀,保障粮食安全的耕地面积不断受到威胁,土地退化、荒漠化严重,生态环境日益脆弱。因此普遍担心中国没有足够的土地可供大规模生产生物质能,生物质能的发展面临“无米之炊”的尴尬局面。而我们的最新研究分析表明,中国大面积贫瘠、退化、不适合于粮食生产和有效放牧的边际性土地,可以用于种植新一代能源作物——芒草(Sang,GCBB 2011;JIPB 2011;Yan et al.GCBB 2011)。这种禾本科多年生C4草本植物耐旱、耐寒、耐贫瘠,生物量高;生产能源的同时,地下根茎还可以起到固碳、保持水土和生态恢复等有利作用。
随着禾本科基因组学的迅速发展,谷物驯化的遗传学研究最近取得了相当大的进展,对驯化的机理和进程在基因和基因组水平上都有了深入的认识。这些研究表明,选择少数甚至一个基因的突变就可以获得一个关键的农艺性状(Sang,Plant Physiology 2009)。例如,从落粒而不易收获的野生稻转变到不落粒而易收割的栽培稻就是由单核苷酸位点突变引起的,在强烈的人工选择下,这一突变得以在所有栽培稻中快速固定下来(Li et al.,Science 2006;Zhang et al.,New Phytologist 2009) 。因此,从群体遗传学理论出发,只要有足够大的起始群体和足够强的选择压,新作物的驯化是有可能在短期内完成的(Sang, JIPB 2011)。同时,我们从研究水稻驯化认识到,杂交可以帮助维持较高的遗传多样性并加速驯化过程(Sang & Ge,JIPB 2007,COGD 2007)。特别是在我们提出的水稻驯化组合模型中,由于一个驯化性状往往被一个主效基因所控制,而一开始起源于不同群体的驯化基因通过杂交和随后的选择才得以组合到现代水稻品种里。
1. 新一代能源作物快速驯化的遗传和基因组学基础”,国家基金委重点项目,(2012-2015),资助金额330万,主持人。
2. “新一代能源作物——芒草的驯化生物学”,院知识创新工程重要方向项目,(2012-2014),资助金额300万,主持人。
刘 为 副研究员
康丽芳 助理研究员
林 聪 工程师
Xing SL, Kang LF, Xu Q, Fan YY, Liu W, Zhu CY, Song ZH, Wang Q, Yan J*, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2016. The coordination of gene expression within photosynthesis pathway for acclimation of C4 energy crop Miscanthus lutarioriparius. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:109
Yan J, Zhu MD, Liu W, Xu Q, Zhu CY, Li JQ*, Sang T*. 2016. Genetic variation and bidirectional gene flow in the riparian plant Miscanthus lutarioriparius, across its endemic range: implications for adaptive potential. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 8: 764-776
Xu Q, Zhu CY, Fan YY, Song ZH, Xing SL, Liu W, Yan J, Sang T*. 2016. Population transcriptomics uncovers the regulation of gene expression variation in adaptation to changing environment. Sci Rep-Uk 6
Liu W, Peng C, Chen ZF, Liu Y, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2016. Sustainable bioenergy production with little carbon debt in the Loess Plateau of China. Biotechnol Biofuels 9
Fan YY, Wang Q, Kang LF, Liu W, Xu Q, Xing SL, Tao CC, Song ZH, Zhu CY, Lin C, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. Transcriptome-wide characterization of candidate genes for improving the water use efficiency of energy crops grown on semiarid land. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (20):6415-6429
Yan J, Zhu CY, Liu W, Luo F, Mi J, Ren YJ, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. High photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of Miscanthus lutarioriparius characterize an energy crop in the semiarid temperate region. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 7(2):207-218
Xu Q, Xing SL, Zhu CY, Liu W, Fan YY, Wang Q, Song ZH, Yang WH, Luo F, Shang F, Kang LF, Chen WL, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. Population transcriptomics reveals a potentially positive role of expression diversity in adaptation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57(3):284-299
Liu W, Mi J, Song ZH, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2014. Long-term water balance and sustainable production of Miscanthus energy crops in the Loess Plateau of China. Biomass & Bioenergy 62: 47-57
Mi J, Liu W, Yang WH, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2014. Carbon sequestration by Miscanthus energy crops plantations in a broad range semi-arid marginal land in China. Science of The Total Environment 496: 373-380
Li, H-Q., C.-L. Li, T. Sang, J. Xu. 2013. Pretreatment on Miscanthus lutarioriparious by liquid hot water for efficient ethanol production. Biotechnology for Biofuels 6:76. 下载[PDF]
Sang, T., J. Li. 2013. Molecular genetic basis of the domestication syndrome in cereals. In Cereal Genomics II, P. K. Gupta and R. K. Varshney (eds.), pp 319-339. [下载PDF]
Sang, T., Ge, S. 2013. Understanding rice domestication and implications for cultivar improvement. Current Opinion in Plant Bioloyg 16:139-146. [下载PDF]
Liu, W., Yan, J., Li, J. & Sang, T. 2012. Yield potential of Miscanthus energy crops in the Loess Plateau of China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4: 545-554. [下载PDF]
Zhou, Y., D. Lu, C. Li, J. Luo, B.-F. Zhu, J. Zhu, Y. Shangguan, Z. Wang, T. Sang, B. Zhou, B. Han. 2012. Genetic Control of Seed Shattering in Rice by the APETALA2 Transcription Factor SHATTERING ABORTION1. Plant Cell 24: 1034-1048. [下载PDF]
Ge S., T. Sang. 2011. Inappropriate model rejects independent domestications of indica and japonica rice. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA, 108, E755. [下载PDF]
Yan J., W. Chen, F. Luo, H. Ma, A. Meng, X. Li, M. Zhu, S. Li., H., Zhou, W. Zhu, B. Han, J., Li, T. Sang. 2011. Variability and adaptability of Miscanthus species evaluated for energy crop domestication. Global Change Biology Bioenergy4: 49-60. [下载PDF]
Sang T. 2011. Toward the domestication of lignocellulosic energy crops: Leaning from food crop domestication. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53: 96-104. [下载PDF]
Sang T. and W.-X. Zhu 2011. China's bioenergy potential. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 3:79-90. [下载PDF]
Zhu B., L. Si, Z. Wang, Y. Zhou, J. Zhu, Y. Shangguan, D. Lv, D. Fan, C. Li, H. Lin, Q. Qian, T. Sang, B. Zhou, Y. Minobe, B. Han.2011. Genetic control of a transition from black to straw-white seed hull in rice domestication. Plant Physiology 155: 1301-1311.